Biblical Education

We believe that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge” (Proverbs 9:10). As the source of truth and authority, the Bible is central to our academic curriculum.

The teaching of the Bible as a core subject is essential to the academic curriculum so that our biblical philosophy of education is witnessed throughout every class and program. The ability of our graduates to defend their Christian faith with accurate biblical arguments will testify to our overall success as a Christian school.

While our students will learn about God’s word directly in biblical studies courses, strong biblical truths are interwoven into all subject areas and in all of our curriculum.

The Junior & Senior High students experience spiritual growth through the biblical studies curriculum and participation in weekly chapel services. Chapel at CCS is unlike most student services. Chapel is a time when the grades come together, along with staff, and worship Christ as a body of believers. Worship through praise music and engaging in a thoughtful, well-prepared lesson is the norm and the most looked-forward-to “class” of the week.

Often integrated within a weekly chapel are visual aids, such as student video productions and dramas. Guest speakers, testimonies, and Christian concerts also take place throughout the year during chapel time. Students who participate in a chapel leadership course work closely with their chapel leadership director, creating and executing the weekly chapels.

Each year, students can’t wait for Spring Term to take place. At CCS, an entire week is dedicated to activities and outreach opportunities designed to grow our students spiritually.