Career Search Resources

Below is a collection of career guides. They provide students with several paths of study, specializations, and a breakdown of career opportunities within each field.—ACT Profile—Careers

BLS.Gov—Bureau of Labor Statistics—Complete Guidance System—Discover Your Future—The Place to Plan Your Future

College Bound Resources

The following list of documents contains helpful information:

College Planning/Preparation Helps

  • College Steps Program: This website holds information from tips on taking the ACT/SAT to how to pay for college.
  • Here you will find helpful information in regards to virtual college tours, advice for parents, scholarships, and career path information!
  • This is a collection of career guides, providing students with several paths of study, specializations, and a breakdown of career opportunities within each field.

College Visits Policy

CCS has very specific guidelines for our students when they visit colleges and/or universities during a school day. We allow a certain number of excused absences for these visits, but certain steps must be followed, including the appropriate form being completed, signed during the visit, and returned to our guidance department for record keeping.

LEAP (Learning Enrichment & Assistance Program)

LEAP is a local organization specializing in various workshops, seminars, and camps that help students (and parents) prepare for college. LEAP holds workshops for the following:

  • Writing college application essays
  • ACT/SAT essentials prep and tutoring
  • College application completion
  • Financial aid essentials
  • Career coaching
  • Resume writing