Attendance and Absences

Each campus has slightly different requirements for reporting absences. Please see the instructions below and always feel free to call the campus front office if you have any questions.

Complete details regarding the CCS attendance policy can be found in the Student & Parent Handbook, also available on the CCS website.

Elementary Campus Instructions

Send an Email
Elementary Campus (preschool through grade 6): (513) 874-8500

Junior & Senior High Campus Instructions

To Report an Absence

Preferred Method: Please send an email as soon as it is realized that your child will be absent from school. (Preferably before 7:30 a.m.) Please include your child’s name, grade, and reason for absence. The email constitutes as your written note. By emailing the above address, a phone call is not necessary.

You may also call the Main Office (513-892-8500 before 7:30 a.m.) and leave a voice message stating the child’s name, grade, and reason for absence. By calling prior to 7:30 a.m. and leaving a message, your voice message is automatically transferred into the email system and further parent notes or emails are not necessary.  Please submit doctor’s/dentist’s notes for medical and dental visits.

For Early Dismissal

Preferred Method: Please send an email on the morning of the day your child needs to leave early. Please state the time your child needs to leave school, the reason for leaving early, and their grade.

You may also send a note in with your child to be given to the main office before school starts. In both instances, the early dismissal will be recorded in FACTS SIS informing your child’s teachers. A slip will be given to your child allowing them to leave class at the designated time.

For a Late Arrival

Preferred Method: Please send an email if your child will be late to school because of a scheduled appointment. Please make every effort to schedule these appointments outside of regular school hours.

To report a last minute tardy (oversleeping, traffic incidents, trains, etc.), please call the main office (513) 892-8500. You may also email the above address or send a written note with your child upon his or her arrival at school. Sending an email does not require an additional written note. Please note that emailing or calling for late arrivals may not automatically constitute as an excused tardy.