JH & SH Service Hours

Service hours are collected by our guidance department as part of the high school graduation requirement at CCS. We will be asking our high school students to complete a total of 20 hours of service each school year starting with the graduating class of 2024.

About Service Hours

  • Service is expected to be volunteered to a person or organization that is not part of their immediate family.
  • High school students can use five of these 20 hours to be counted from a student’s time in church engaged in worship with their local congregation, documented by notes from the sermon.
  • Junior high students at CCS will be required to complete 12 hours of volunteer service each school year they attend CCS. Three of these 12 hours may be counted from a student’s time in church engaged in worship with their local congregation and documented by sermon notes.

Documenting Service Hours

For each volunteer service opportunity and/or any notes from church sermons, students will complete the Service Hours Form and submit it to the guidance department. Volunteer hours will need to be signed by the person (not a family member) who supervised their service time. Sermon notes from time engaged in the local church may be signed by a parent. Forms can be submitted to servicehours@cincinnatichristian.org.