Student Life
Student life at CCS is vibrant and well-rounded, offering opportunities for growth in athletics, spiritual life, and the fine arts. From cheering on Cougar teams to exploring creativity in the arts and picking up the latest gear at the Cougar Cave, students thrive in a Christ-centered community that encourages them to grow and excel.
Christ-Centered Education
Cincinnati Christian Schools is living out its purpose everyday by providing an extraordinary learning environment in partnership with our Christian families; teaching and encouraging our students to serve Christ in all they do in order to impact their culture in which they live.
Preparing students for future success
Our balanced and thorough academic program lays the groundwork for outstanding achievement in college, career, and beyond. More than that, our students discover their purpose as creative thinkers and servant-leaders within the world. CSS students become informed and transformed.
The Right Choice
We believe your child is the most important gift you’ll ever receive, and their education, the most important gift you’ll ever give. We invite you to consider CCS as your partner in that endeavor.
Education: Moody Bible Institute, Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies, Biblical Studies/Theology
Favorite Bible Verse: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44
Favorite Food: Chipotle
Favorite Activity: Hiking, Camping, Sports
Favorite Book: Keeping the Heart by John Flavel
Cincinnati Christian Schools, partnering with Christian families, provides a Bible-centered, quality educational program to equip, train, and disciple students to follow Christ and impact culture.