Elementary Art Program

The elementary art department ensures the curriculum taught is biblically based and aligns with the State of Ohio Academic Content Standards for Fine Arts, specifically Visual Arts. The art programs encourage students to, create, and critique artworks of their own and the works of others. Biblical integration helps our students explore the world of art through the Biblical worldview, best explained through the use of CCS’s C.A.M.P. approach (Community, because connection matters, Authenticity, because character matters; Mission, because the world matters; Passion, because heart matters).

Art projects will touch on the five main disciplines in art education: drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, and textiles/mixed media. Projects will challenge students to discover, practice, and evaluate to improve skills relating to basic 2D and 3D art design elements, color theory, how art functions inside and outside local communities and other cultures, explore various art forms and disciplines in the art career path as well as analyzing and critiquing fine art qualities and develop art appreciation.

Elementary students are encouraged, with daily direction, to:

  • use their sketchbooks for “free drawing” and personal expression.
  • assemble an art folio to help them establish a collection of their works (for celebration and reflection)
  • participate in personal best challenges (“try by doing,” proper project time management, respectively critiquing others’ works)

Elementary students participate in recurring directed art activities: class rewards system for on-target participation and cooperation, candy day games, glow-in-the-dark art, free art (problem-solving using recycled items), cartoon carnival, game day (board game art), and cool crafts (sand art, jewelry making, clay creatures, textile creations, etc.)