Spiritual Life


“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and
built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught,
abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6–7

Cincinnati Christian Schools is deeply committed to helping every student grow into a mature life of faith, one that is vibrant and deeply rooted. Psalm 1:1-3 teaches us that people who listen to God’s wisdom rather than the counsel of evil people, who live upright, noble, and virtuous lives, and who delight in the life God calls them to live will be like trees planted by streams of water. These trees produce fruit in season, thrive in spite of drought, and whether any circumstance and challenge of life because they are deeply rooted. The writer of Psalms was reflecting on the idea that life is better when people are in a healthy, right, and vibrant relationship with God. We want our students to grow even more mature in that healthy, right, and vibrant relationship with God. In light of this desire, CCS partners with Christian families to help their children develop into the people God is calling them to be. The school is steadfast in its commitment to graduating mature Christian young people, prepared to enter the next step in God’s calling with an excellent education, solid belief foundation, and vibrant faith.

Spiritual life at CCS is a commitment to helping each student develop a spiritually sound and robust life, a life informed by the Scriptures, led by the Holy Spirit, and inspired by the example of Jesus Christ. This commitment to spiritual development is the reason we engage our students in biblical studies courses, chapel services, and service opportunities, as well as intentionally integrate a biblical worldview into everything we do. Our Director of Spiritual Life develops and implements a planned approach to discipleship, a biblically grounded approach to education, and provides oversight for discipleship programs like chapel, community groups, and outreach opportunities. Opportunities like chapel, community groups, and outreach are incredibly important ways in which CCS develops its students to grow in their faith and the values of that faith. Chapels are opportunities for students to learn about their life of faith, how we live out that faith in grace and truth, and why it matters that our faith is central to our lives. Community groups provide students with planned, strategic times to mature together in a community of other believers. Students learn to put their faith into action with outreach and community service opportunities. Christian teachers and staff allow students to see faith modeled in the lives of the adults they encounter every day.