Community Service

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” (Romans 12:1, ESV). Immersing our students in the habit of service and outreach is essential. Jesus not only preached service but lived it. Similarly, we want our students to experience how lives are transformed and moved toward Jesus through actions and humility in serving.

There are many places where students can serve. The guidance department can offer suggestions if needed. Some organizations where groups of CCS students have served are Matthew 25 Ministries, Serve City, and The Healing Center (associated with The Vineyard Cincinnati). These organizations have provided us with hospitality in hosting large groups of students and have given us a global and local perspective through our service.

Community service is a part of the CCS experience for all grades. The expectation increases as our students develop. Junior high students (grades 7-8) are required to complete 12 hours of service each school year. Senior high students (grades 9-12) must complete 20 hours of service each school year. Students may count services performed in June, July, and August for the upcoming school year. In addition, worship engagement with their local congregation may count as service hours, documented by the students’ notes from the sermon. During the school year, junior high students may submit up to three sermon notes, and senior high students may submit up to five.

Students must provide service to a person or group that is not in their immediate family. The service may be completed as part of a youth group, team, family project, with an organization, or it may be completed individually. Service may be done anytime from the close of school in June until the due dates one week before the end of each quarter. All 12 or 20 hours of service may be completed in one project, even over the summer. A Service Hours Form must be filled out, signed by the supervising adult (not a parent), and submitted via email to Service projects completed as part of school assignments do not count toward service hours. However, CCS-organized mission trips that are not part of course assignments can be counted for these hours.