Accreditations and Affiliations

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement is a program created by College Board that offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the AP examinations.

Association of Christian Schools International

Founded in 1978, The Association of Christian Schools International or ACSI is a Protestant, interdenominational educational organization serving over 5.5 million students worldwide in 24,000 schools. Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, they serve to strengthen and equip Christian schools and educators through certifications, accreditations, curriculum development, and legal/legislative assistance.

To learn more about the values and benefits of being a Christian school aligned with ACSI, please read any and all of these informational documents:


Cognia, formerly AdvancED, is an a non-profit, non government affiliated agency that assesses primary and secondary schools in the United Stated and abroad to provide accreditation. It was formed in 2006 as the consolidation of two regional organizations: The North Central Association and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Ohio High School Athletic Association

The Ohio High School Athletic Association or OHSAA is the primary organizational and regulatory organization for interscholastic athletics for high schools throughout Ohio. Serving over 800 members around the state, OHSAA promotes academic excellence, athlete safety, good citizenship, and sportsmanship. They also sanction 24 state tournaments every year, with schools competing in size-appropriate divisions for championships.

The Miami Valley Conference

The Miami Valley Conference, or MVC, is a high school athletic conference comprised of ten members, both private and public. Members include: Cincinnati Christian Schools, The Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, Clark Montessori High School, Lockland High School, Miami Valley Christian Academy, New Miami High School, North College Hill High School, Norwood, Saint Bernard-Elmwood Place High School, The Seven Hills School, and The Summit Country Day School. The MVC, sponsors 18 varsity sports.

College Credit Plus (CCP)

The College Credit Plus (CCP) Program is administered by the state of Ohio, and provides opportunities for 7th through 12th grade students to earn college credits while still in high school. Your student can earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from colleges and/or universities during their junior high and senior high years. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students. An exceptional CCS offering is over 12 CCP courses are taught on our own CCS junior/senior high campus!

Project Mañana

CCS makes an impact on a global scale, in terms of Christian education and spreading the Gospel of Christ. CCS’s global project centers on forming relationships and making an impact for God’s Kingdom. In 2015, CCS officially became a sister school with Colegio Evangelico Dios Da La Sabiduría (“God Gives the Wisdom Christian School”), located in Villa González, Dominican Republic (DR). This private school, operated by Project Mañana and opened in the fall of 2014, was partially built and remodeled by several of our own CCS students as they traveled to the Dominican Republic on short-term mission projects. At least one mission trip to the DR is organized each school year.

Ohio Christian Education Network

The Ohio Christian Education Network (OCEN) protects the religious liberty of Christian schools and ensures every Ohio family has access to a Gospel-centered education. With a daily presence in the Ohio Statehouse, OCEN is your partner in combatting additional regulations that make it tougher to provide Christian education and maintain Christian schools. OCEN endeavors to see Ohio offer “true choice” to families. This means any initiatives to promote school choice programs come with as few strings attached as possible, ensuring private Christian schools do not have to compromise their operating principles in order to have students enrolled on state-sponsored scholarships or tax credit programs.

INTERalliance – Cincinnati Chapter Member

With a mission to engineer and execute experiences designed to inspire young talent to pursue a career in the Greater Cincinnati IT industry, INTERalliance is leading the region’s efforts to feed the technology pipeline. INTERalliance executes a diverse portfolio of technology events in Cincinnati and, by introducing senior high students to IT, creates a thriving pool of IT top talent.

Student Enterprise Program (StEP)

University of Cincinnati Economics Center

StEP is a nationally recognized elementary school program that has generated a marked increase in student engagement, attendance, self-esteem, academic achievement in students of participating schools. StEP addresses two key educational needs at an early age: the need for classroom engagement and the need for 21st century skills related to entrepreneurship, critical-thinking, and financial responsibility.

Scholastic Art & Writing Award Competitions

See just some of CCS’s winners over the last few years!


The National Honor Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921.

Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in NHS activities. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.

The National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society is the top-ranking organization in the United States for recognizing outstanding junior high students in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. To be eligible for the Berean Chapter of this organization, junior high students at CCS must have a 3.5 GPA and quarter grades of all A’s and B’s. Students who qualify academically are contacted by the NJHS Chair Advisor. The students who desire to become part of NJHS then fill out a questionnaire where they honestly, thoughtfully, and thoroughly answer the questions regarding their leadership experiences, service, and character. The Faculty Council, appointed by the Chair Advisor, meets to discuss the questionnaires and selects members of the chapter by a majority vote. All students are then notified by the Chair Advisor regarding their status in the NJHS organization. Those selected into NJHS will be involved in the recycling program at the JH/SH Campus as well as four organized service projects during the course of the year. All NJHS members must have twelve hours of service in addition to their Biblical studies service hours.