Make an investment in the future of young people!

At Cincinnati Christian Schools we deeply believe that the gift of Christian education is one of the most valuable gifts a young person can receive. Since our founding in 1971, we have been blessed by the generosity of selfless individuals, corporations, and organizations that support our mission through making gifts of time, talents, and resources. While our development/fundraising projects, programs, and initiatives have changed over time, their purpose has remained the same to impact our students’ lives and enhance their learning experience.

There will always be many opportunities to give and we ask that you please consider them in light of prayer – not pressure. Cincinnati Christian Schools desire that you will be blessed in your giving as Paul said to the Philippians in Philippians 4:17: “Not that I am looking for the gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account.”

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Biblical Fundraising/Stewardship Philosophy

  • We believe that fundraising is biblical, providing people with an opportunity to give, therefore helping them to be blessed, and demonstrating obedience and love. (Proverbs 22:9, 2 Corinthians 9:10-15)
  • Cincinnati Christian Schools desires to meet the needs of our ministry by understanding that we can trust in God to meet all of our needs. Fundraising is a way to communicate our needs, providing an opportunity to give. (Proverbs 11:25, Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 9:8)
  • We will honor God by submitting to government regulations including our tax status. (Romans 13:1-7)
  • We will honor donors and their gifts, by setting an example of good stewardship. We recognize that all gifts are from God. (Psalm 24:1, Luke 16:10-12)
  • We believe that relationships are developed through giving. Therefore, we will handle our fundraising in light of protecting our relationships, not putting a project before people. (Luke 16:9-12)
  • We will strive for a culture that promotes a sense of equity in giving, not causing grief or compulsion in our fundraising efforts. (2 Corinthians 8:11-14, 2 Corinthians 9:7)
  • We believe that we are to be content in all circumstances, being careful of imbalance in our desires, seeking God first, and praying for his direction. (Matthew 6:25-34, Mark 4:19, Philippians 4:11-23)