The Gary Rice Educator of the Year Award

As CCS prepares to celebrate the legacy of our past, we are pleased to announce a new way to recognize the excellence of our current employees. At the annual Legacy Celebration, The Gary Rice Educator of the Year award will be bestowed upon an exceptional educator who embodies an unwavering passion for education, steadfast commitment, and profound devotion to Jesus, both within and beyond the confines of the classroom. In its inaugural year, we are proud that this distinguished honor will bear the name of our beloved Gary Rice. He epitomized exemplary leadership through his daily endeavor to live out Micah 6:8, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Mr. Rice embraced these virtues of justice, mercy, and humility not only in his walk with the Lord but also in his classroom. His example of service to our school will continue as we recognize CCS educators who foster both academic excellence and Christian character, influencing the lives of our students.

2023–2024 Recipient

Lisa McKain
